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One Health

A guide of One Health Resources for the DelVal Community. Email with any questions, concerns or ideas for this guide.

About One Health Week

Delaware Valley University is committed to the concept of One Health - so we celebrate it every year with a series of engaging events on campus and student-lead research presentations. Check back to see what we've done every year!

November 1st - 6th, 2021

Public Service Announcement Video Competition

Student Writing Competition - One Health Personal Narrative

One Health Window Painting - "What One Health Means to Me"

Mock Disease Outbreak - USDA and DelVal Students

Krauskopf Library - One Health Resource Display

One Health Pledge
500 Students, Staff and Faculty of DelVal signed the One Health Pledge to make a meaningful, sustainable change in their life! 

November 2nd - 7th, 2020

Plastics Recycling Awareness Campaign - construction of "DVU" statue

One Health Window Painting - "One Health and Me"

Mock Disease Outbreak - USDA and DelVal Students

Krauskopf Library - One Health Book Display by College

Display Poster   College of Business and Humanities Books  College of Life and Physical Sciences Books  
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Books

Hannah Cornell, DelVal Graduate Student in Public Policy, presented "Behind Closed Doors: COVID-19's Impact on Violence Against Women and Children."


Jackson Miller, DelVal Small Animal Science '19, Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine, presented "What is the Wildlife Disease Association?"


Bryan Huerta, DelVal Conservation & Wildlife Management '20, currently interning with the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center, presented "Shark Diversity in the Gulf of Mexico."


November 3rd - 9th, 2019