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One Health

A guide of One Health Resources for the DelVal Community. Email with any questions, concerns or ideas for this guide.

The History of Conservation and Racism

From Green Initiatives to True Social Good

September 20, 2022

Dr. Tobias Schoenherr presents his ongoing research on how businesses can take the momentum from environmental sustainability initiatives and push for progress in social issues such as labor conditions and worker rights. This presentation offers evidence of how companies can leverage their engagement on the environmental front to move the needle also on the social front. Based on a multi-year database of socially responsible investments covering 1,177 multinational corporations, Dr. Schoenherr shows that companies can sustain positive and superior social performance in their supply chain by leveraging their capabilities developed in the environmental field. This impact is further shown to be elevated in the presence of both human and stakeholder capital. Dr. Schoenherr is a Hoagland-Metzler Endowed Professor in Purchasing and Supply Management in the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University and the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

Related resources are below - Dr. Schoenherr asked us not to record the seminar because of his ongoing research. We look forward to his future publications!

Anthropogeny: Explaining the Origins of the Planet Altering Ape

A Case of Maasai Enkishon (Well-Being) in Kenya

Community-Based Social Marketing: Fostering Healthy and Sustainable Behavior

April 6, 2021, Co-Sponsored by Heritage Conservancy

Doug McKenzie-Mohr, owner of Doug McKenzie-Mohr & Associates and author of Community-Based Social Marketing: Fostering Sustainable, Healthy, & Safe Behaviors (2011), presented to the DelVal Community about how developing effective programs requires that the behavior change tools that comprise our strategies are well-aligned with the barriers and benefits to a particular behavioral change. Further, these tools need to be implemented in ways that maximize the likelihood of changing behavior, while minimizing program delivery costs. Needless to say, this is a challenging task that all social marketers face. In his presentation, he provided guidance on when to use a variety of behavior change tools (such as commitments, social norms, prompts, and incentives) and how best to utilize them. See related resources below. 

Viral Communication: Actions, Opportunities, Self-Awareness

February 9, 2021

Drs. Jessica McCall and Brian Lutz discuss communication in the age of the Internet, and how it continues to pose a tremendous risk to the well-being of our planet and all the peoples who inhabit it. The 21st century does not suffer from a dearth of knowledge. It suffers because it does not know what to do with its knowledge. A popular meme states, “My science doesn’t require your belief,” but this joke refuses to acknowledge an uncomfortable truth about human perception: whether we are considering faith, superstition, or science the act of belief, the cognitive process of accepting something as true functions the same. This is why humans often make self-destructive choices despite a preponderance of evidence. This is why we can see the world warming around us, species dying out, and eco-systems being ravaged and still convince ourselves it is nothing more than politics and posturing. This is why conspiracy theories spread faster than nuanced conversation. Consider why we must, as a society, value and discuss the role language plays in knowledge generation. Science is the best system we have for understanding the madness of this world, but it is powerless if we cannot, first and foremost, learn to understand ourselves. See related resources below. 


The Anthropocene: what is it, and are we there yet?

November 18, 2020

John R. McNeill, Georgetown University, will explain the term and concept of the Anthropocene and present the idea that since about 1950, we've been in a long-term pattern that is a wild departure from environmental history. For the last several years, he has been working with geologists in the "Anthropocene Working Group" tasked with figuring out if geology should formally recognize a new epoch. He will explain some of what geologists have seen in terms of environmental history. See related resources below.


Regenerative Capitalism: the Business of Business is Change

November 5, 2020

John Elkington, founding partner and Chief Pollinator of Volans, talks about how businesses can be catalysts for systems change. Drawing on first-hand experience from boardrooms around the world, his new book Green Swans: The Coming Boom in Regenerative Capitalism (2020), examines wicked problems and the ‘ugly ducklings’ of today that have the potential to become tomorrow’s world-saving Green Swans. See related resources below. 


DelVal Faculty Forum and "What One Health Means to Me"

October 30, 2018 - 6:00pm Life Sciences Auditorium

Faculty from diverse disciplines will hold a moderated discussion on what One Health means within their disciplines. One Health is more than just the interaction of disease, involving the environment, people and animals. One Health is a recognition of the interconnectedness of all things on earth and the need to consider the inextricable linkages between the elements of the One Health triad. In a changing world, global citizens must be aware of these linkages and act in a responsible way to meet the challenges we all face.

The Green Amendment

September 11th, 2018 - 6:00pm Life Sciences Auditorium

Maya K. van Rossum, an environmental activist and attorney, discusses her book The Green Amendment: Securing our Right to a Healthy EnvironmentMaya K. van Rossum feels current laws are designed to accommodate pollution rather than prevent it. She argues that it is time to turn to the ultimate authority - state and federal constitutions - and lays out a new agenda for environmental advocacy that empowers people.