Martha S. Grafton Library at Mary Baldwin University
Tarlton Law Library at Texas Law
Lindell Library at Augsberg University
ZSR Library at Wake Forest University
Student and Faculty Feedback
The Winner
The Library's catalog includes more than just books. Which one of the following labels do you think best describes it?
Book/DVD Catalog
Find books
Find books and more
Library catalog
We offer a variety of online services which include full-text journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. What would you call such a page?
Database A-Z Lists
Database List
Electronic resources
Find articles
We create web pages for each of the classes we help which include useful databases, government information, websites, etc. What would you call such a page?
Assignment guides
Research guides
Research starters
Faculty often put books and photocopies on hold at the Circulation desk for students in their classes to read. Which one of the following labels do you think best describes it?
Class reserves
Course reserves
Textbooks in the library
If you would like to use an article the Library does not own, we can borrow it from another library. Which one of the following labels do you think best describes this service?
Interlibrary Loan
Borrow from another Library
Request a book or article
Document delivery
What term on the library website do you prefer if you need help citing your references?
Citing your sources
Create bibliography
How to cite
Works cited help
Optimal Workshop
Most of the testing done was through the tools in the Optimal Workshop suite, particularly Chalkmark and OptimalSort.