If you are looking for more detailed resources, try some fo the following eBooks. The Library has a lot of eBooks in our collection on specific animal diseases, but these are more general sources with individual chapters on specific diseases.
Government and international organization have a lot of information about zoonotic diseases. Again, the Library also has a lot of books and eBooks in this area that could be helpful.
Assessing the effectiveness of Garcinia cambogia for weight loss
Karen Sheldon
BY 4110 - Senior Seminar
Dr. Bortnick
September 13, 2021
When the author's name appears in the sentence, it does not need to be repeated in the citation.
Recent literature has examined long-run price drifts following initial public offerings and other factors (Ritter 2009).
Fisher (2010) reaches more or less the same conclusion.
More than one author
(Smith and Johnson 1998)
More than two authors
(Smith et al. 2001)
Multiple citations in the same sentence
When referencing multiple studies within the same sentence, cite in order by author's last name
(Dawson J 2006; Mondari 2010)
No author
Use the first word or first few words of the title. Use only as many words as are needed to distinguish it from other references.
(Handbook ... 2000)
When reproducing an image or table in your paper, include an in-text citation for the source directly under the image.
Include "Reprinted from" (exact reproduction), "Adapted from" (changed from original source), or "Based on" (information comes from source but table is not reproduced or adapted).
Reprinted from Smith 2018
To save space, journal titles are abbreviated according to the ISO 4 standard, shortening significant words and omitting insignificant words.
NOTE: There is another abbreviation generation CASSI which can also be used. It does not follow CSE so remember to make the appropriate adjustments.
Read more and search the List of Title Word Abbreviations at ISSN.org.
Journal article
Last name First initial. Year. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Abbreviated journal title. Volume(issue, if available):pages. URL, if no DOI available.
Lawskowski DA. 2002. Physical and chemical proprieties of pyrethroids. Rev Environ Contam Toxiocol. 174:149-170. doi:10.1136/rect.330.7500.1119.
Article titles are not italicized. However, species names are italicized and capitalized normally.
In vitro and in vivo reconstitution of the cadherin-catenin-actin complex from Caenorhabditis elegans.
NOTE: As many more journals only publish online, they often don't have page numbers. They will usually have a article number which sometimes has an "e" before it, for example, "e586839." You would use this in place of the page range.
Journal article with multiple authors
When there are 2 to 10 authors, list all of them. If there are more than 10 authors, list the first 10 followed by et al.
Last name First initial, Last name First initial, Last name First initial. Year. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Abbreviated journal title. Volume(issue, if available):pages. URL, if no DOI available.
Smart N, Fang ZY, Marwick TH. 2003. A practical guide to exercise training for heart failure patients. J Card Fail. 9(1):49-58. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12612873.
Jones AR Smith KR, Williams AB, Carter F, White RY, Little RT, Kane TR, Larosa J, Mann FD, Swartz MN, et al.
Forthcoming articles
Last name First initial, Last name First initial, Last name First initial. Estimated date. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Abbreviated journal title. URL, if no DOI available.
Chinsembu KC, Syakalima M, Semenya SS. Forthcoming 2019 Mar. Ethnomedicinal plants used by traditional healers in the management of HIV/AIDS opportunistic diseases in Lusaka, Zambia. S Afr J Bot. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2015.05.009.
Last name First initial. Year Month Day. Title of post, sentence style capitalization [blog]. Title of blog. [access date with abbreviated month]. URL
Fogarty M. 2012 Aug 14. Formatting titles on Twitter and Facebook [blog]. Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. [accessed 2012 Oct 19]. http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/formatting-titles-on-twitter-and-facebook.aspx.
Last name First initial. Year. Title, sentence style capitalization. Edition, if available. Publisher's location: Publisher's name.
Stahl SM. 2000. Essential psychopharmacology of depression and bipolar disorder. New York (NY): Cambridge University Press.
Book with multiple authors
Last name First initial, Last name First initial. Year. Title, sentence style capitalization. Edition, if available. Publisher's location: Publisher's name.
Schott J, Priest J. 2002. Leading antenatal classes: a practical guide. 2nd ed. Boston (MA): Books for Midwives.
Chapter in edited book
Last name First initial. Year. Chapter title, sentence style capitalization. In: Editor, editors. Book title, sentence style capitalization. Publisher's location: Publisher's name. Pages.
Anderson RJ. 2001. Acute renal failure. In: Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, editors. Harrison’s principles of international medicine. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill. p. 1149-1155.
Chapter in non-edited book
Last name First initial. Year. Book title, sentence style capitalization. Publisher's location: Publisher's name. Chapter title, sentence style capitalization; Pages.
Shakelford RT. 2018. Surgery of the alimentary tract. Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders. Chapter 2, Esophagoscopy; p. 29-40.
Notes can include sponsoring organization if different from performing organization.
Last name Initials (Performing organization name and address, if different from publisher). Year. Title of report, sentence style capitalization. Edition, if available. Place of publication: publisher. Report No., if available: Contract No., if available: Grant No, if available.: Notes, if available.
Cooper LN (Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI). 1990. Theoretical and experimental research into biological mechanisms underlying learning and memory. Washington (DC): Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Report No.: AFOSR-TR-90-0672. Sponsored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Authors. Year of conference. Title of paper. In: Editors. Title of book. Number and name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher. Location. Notes.
Murphy J, McLean A, McGreevy P, Sheridan F, Hanly P. 2008. The use of training aids (gadgets) within equitation: meritorious or detrimental? In: Murphy J, Hennessy K, Wall P, Hanly P, editors. Proceedings of the 4th ISES Conference; Dublin. Dublin (Ireland): University College Dublin. p. 29.
Author. Year Month Day. Website title [online review]. [access date]. URL
Jcocker99. 2017 Jan 25. GNC [online review]. [accessed 2017 Feb 21]. http://www.gnc.com/Hydroxycut-Platinum/product.jsp?productId=115799436&channel
Last name First initial, Last name First initial. Year. Title, sentence style capitalization. Edition, if available. Publisher's location: Publisher's name; [date accessed].
Griffiths AJF, Miller JH, Suzuki DT. 2000. Introduction of genetic analysis. 7th ed. New York (NY): W.H. Freeman & Co.; [accessed 2005 May 31]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=iga.
Chapter in edited eBook
Last name First initial. Year. Chapter title, sentence style capitalization. In Editor, editors. Book title, sentence style capitalization. Publisher's location: Publisher's name; Pages. [date accessed]. URL.
Culvert LL. 2019. Green tea. In Hiam DS, editor. The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets. Farmington Hills (MI): Gale; p. 626-631. [accessed 2021 April 2]. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX2491000159/GVRL?u=delvalco_main&sid=GVRL&xid=4d4683cd.
Chapter in non-edited book
Last name First initial. Year. Book title, sentence style capitalization. Publisher's location: Publisher's name. Chapter title, sentence style capitalization; Pages. [date accessed]. URL.
Modi M, Modi K. 2020. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Ginger root. [accessed 2021 March 30]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK565886/?report=classic. Legal Materials
"An item from the Federal Register is cited the same way as a standard journal article. Abbreviate the title to Fed Regist."
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1975. Proposal to establish monographs for OTC laxative, antidiarrheal, emetic, and anti-emetic products. Fed Reg. 40(56):12902-12944. https://www.fda.gov/media/72493/download.
Department of Health and Human Services. 2002. Status of certain additional over-the-counter drug category II and III active ingredients. Fed Reg. 67(90):31125-31127. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2002-05-09/pdf/FR-2002-05-09.pdf.
Personal Image
Last name First initial. Year. Title of image [photograph].
Thomas K. 2014. IMG_2947.jpg [photograph].
Images or tables from an article or book
Images or tables from journal articles are cited as journal articles or books.
Lawskowski DA. 2002. Physical and chemical proprieties of pyrethroids. Rev Environ Contam Toxiocol. 174:49-170. doi:10.1136/rect.330.7500.1119.
Online tables
UNAIDS. 2018. Trend of new HIV infections [table]. AIDSInfo. [accessed 2019 Mar 15]. http://aidsinfo.unaids.org/.
Title of webpage, sentence style capitalization. Year Month Day. Website title [screenshot]. URL.
Calmatives for dogs. 2017 Sept 15. Google Shopping [screenshot]. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=calmatives+for+dogs&tbm=shop&*.
Online image
Artist's name (if available). Year. Title of image, sentence style capitalization [image]. Publisher's name. [date updated; date accessed]. URL.
Mind on fire [image]. 2013. Elizabeth Jameson's Portfolio. [accessed 2012 Oct 23]. http://www.jamesononfineart.com/large-multi-view/Art%20of%20the520Brain/1992765-1-171407.html.
Amazon Image
Tonka Store. 81CfpldXsBL.__AC_SX300_SY300_QL70_FMwebp_ [image]. 2021. Amazon. [accessed 2021 March 20]. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009IVPFES?pf_rd_r=AZRRMZGY0EEJ9E1BQJPJ&pf_rd_p=5ae2c7f8-e0c6-4f35-9071-dc3240e894a8&pd_rd_r=d1c2af28-24f4-4108-8e09-d80e306d265d&pd_rd_w=1MsGq&pd_rd_wg=gvGD9&ref_=pd_gw_unk&th=1.
Google Image
Toys R Us. 2021. Basic Fun Tonka – Steel Classics Mighty Dump Truck [image]. Toys R Us. [accessed 2021 March 20]. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51GwwpTMyWL._ML160_.jpg.
Instagram Post
Account name. Date. Title of image [image]. Platform. [date accessed]. URL.
Anese.co. 2021 February 28. CL28t0Wn23Q [image]. Instagram. [accessed 2021 March 22]. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL28t0Wn23Q/.
CSE recommends placing reference to personal communications such as letters and conversations with the running text, not as formal end references. The nature and the source of the cited information should be identified by an appropriate statement. Place the source information within parentheses, using a term or terms to indicate clearly that the citation is not represented in the reference list.
...and most of these meningiomas proved to be inoperable (2003 letter from RS Grant to me; unreferenced, see "Notes") while a few were not.
The author must provide written permission to the publisher from the cited person (if living) or from the cited organization if it is carried in a document such as an internal memorandum that is not accessible to scholars. The permission should be acknowledged in an "Acknowledgements" or a "Notes" section that follows the text of an article or is placed at the end of a book's main text; such statements may include additional details such as the reason for the communication.
CSE Manual Personal Communications
Last name First initial. Year. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Magazine title. Volume(issue, if available):pages. URL, if no DOI available.
Last name First initial. Year Month Day. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Newspaper title (edition, if available). Section, if available:beginning page of article (column no.).
Weiss R. 2003 Apr 11. Study shows problems in cloning people: researchers find replicating primates will be harder than other mammals. Washington Post (Hom Ed.). Sect. A:12 (col. 1).
Online newspaper article
Last name First initial. Year Month Day. Article title, sentence style capitalization. Newspaper title (edition, if available). [accessed date]. URL.
Cheshire S. 2014 Aug 6. Does oil pulling work? CNN Wire (U.S. Ed.). [accessed 2017 March 28]. http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/06/health/oil-pulling/.
Company name. Product name [label].
Iovate Health Sciences. Hydroxycut platinum [label].
Last name Initials, Last name Initials, inventors; patent holder, assignee. Date. Title of patent, sentence level capitalization. Country issuing patent Country code Patent number.
Blanco EE, Meade JC, Richards WD, inventors; Ophthalmic Ventures, assignee. 1990 Nov 13. Surgical stapling system. United States patent US 4,969,591.
Narrator's name. Date first aired. Title of podcast episode, sentence-style capitalization [podcast, episode number if available]. Name of podcast show. Producer. Length. [accessed date]. URL.
Vuolo M. 2012 July 9. Our dying words [podcast, episode 16]. Lexicon Valley. Slate. 21:10 minutes. [accessed 2012 Oct 23]. http://slate.com/articles/podcasts/lexicon_valley/2012/07/why_should_we_care.html.
Last name First initial. Date of presentation. Title of PowerPoint, sentence style capitalization. Paper presented at: Title of class or conference. Institution (if for class). Place of class.
Sheldon K. 2018 February 26. Learning library basics. Paper presented at: DelVal Experience I. Delaware Valley University. Doylestown, PA.
Last name First initial [Host]. Date first aired. Story title, sentence style capitalization [Radio broadcast episode]. Name of show. Producer. [accessed date]. URL.
Inskeep S [Host]. 2014 July 8. Buddhist monks face jail time for July 4 fireworks display [Radio broadcast episode]. Morning Edition. NPR. [accessed 2015 Nov 28]. http://www.npr.org/2014/07/08/329731421/buddhist-monks-face-jail-time-for-july-4-fireworks-display.
The same format applies for reports sponsored by the government as for other sponsors.
Last name First initial. Year. Report title, sentence level capitalization. Edition, if available. Publisher's location: Publisher's name. Report number, if available.
Feller BA. 1981. Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitation, United States, 1979. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics (US). Report No.: VHS-SER-10/137.
Patel RH, Mohiuddin SS. 2021. Biochemistry, histamine. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538201/.
Last name First initial. Year Month Day. Name of survey, sentence level capitalization [survey or questionnaire].
Smith J. 2009 May 3. Measuring information service outcomes survey [survey].
Author. Date. Title of dissertation or thesis [content designator]. [Place of publication]: publisher.
Lutz M. 1989. 1903: American nervousness and the economy of cultural change [dissertation]. [Stanford (CA)]: Stanford University.
Oviedo S. 1995. Adolescent pregnancy: voices heard in the everyday lives of pregnant teenagers [master's thesis]. [Denton (TX)]: University of North Texas.
20.1. 2 Proprietary Names (Trade Names, Trademarks)
Proprietary names are those established by manufacturer and vendors of drugs to represent their own products. Because such names are proper nouns, they must be capitalized. Authors other than manufacturers and inventors are not required to use a superscript symbol indicating trademarking or registration of a proprietary name.
Online video, no author
Title of video, sentence style capitalization [video].
Date posted. Title of program, if available. Website title. [access date]. URL.
How smart are animals? [video]. 2011 Feb 9. NOVA scienceNOW. PBS. [accessed 2012 March 25]. http://video.pbs.org/video/1777525840.
Author. Date posted. Title of video, sentence style capitalization [video]. Title of program or hosting platform, if available. Website title. [access date]. URL.
National Geographic. 2008 January 28. 2 degrees warmer: ocean life in danger [video]. YouTube.com. [accessed 2017 March 25]. http://youtu.be/P-0_gDXqYeQ.
See http://lynn-library.libguides.com/cse/cseavb for more details on where to locate this information.
Title of homepage, sentence style capitalization. Year. Edition, if available. Publisher's location: Publisher's name; [date updated; date accessed]. URL.
APSnet: plant pathology online. 2005. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; [accessed 2005 Jun 20]. http://www.apsnet.org/.
Ivey JAB. 2023. Benefits of blue light-blocking glasses. Charlotte (NC): Sleepopolis; [accessed 2023 Oct 18]. https://sleepopolis.com/education/benefits-of-blue-light-blocking-glasses/#:~:text=Using%20blue%20light%20blockers%20will,prevent%20age%2Drelated%20macular%20degeneration.
Contact the Library at library@delval.edu to request a new example and citation help!
The Writing Center is staffed by DelVal undergraduate peer tutors who help with writing assignments in all your courses. We view writing as a process that involves planning, reading, drafting, revising, and editing—writing with substance involves discovering your meaning through brainstorming, sharing, and getting lots of feedback.
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