These books are available in electronic format...
ON-CAMPUS ACCESS: Click on the title beside the book cover (below).
OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS: Type the book title -- or copy and paste the book title -- into the "eBook Collection" search box (below). When the EZ-Proxy Screen appears, enter your student ID number. Be sure to omit any leading zeroes. Example: If your ID number is 0012340, enter 12340.
Open Gale's eBook Reference Collection to access these reference encyclopedias online. Titles include:
To search the collection: Click on "Education" in the Subject area on the left side of the screen. Use the "Search within Education" box to find articles on your topic. (Try "English Language Learners"!)
These titles are shelved in the library's lower level and contain chapters about English Language Learners...
If you'd prefer to browse the library's shelves, try these areas:
370.117 Bilingualism and Multicultural Education
428.007 - 428.64 Literacy, ELL, and ESL Instruction