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AB 3126 - Agricultural Marketing

Source Types

Differences between Sources

  Academic Trade Popular
Content Original research and experimentation Industry/trade trends, products, and news Current events, opinions, and general information
Look Plain, long articles, may contain charts and graphs Glossy, contains photos and industry/trade related advertisements Glossy, contains color photos and everyday product advertisements
Authors Experts in their field Industry specialists or staff writers Journalists/reporters, staff or freelance writers
Audience Professors, researchers, students Members of the particular industry or trade Anyone
Language Academic and technical Jargon of the industry Written in a language for anyone to understand
Documentation Footnotes or bibliography Occasionally contain cited sources  References may be mentioned in text

Peer Review Process

Finding Research


Competition and Industry Information

What is Summon?

Summon is a "Google-like" tool that searches many DelVal databases (and the book catalog) simultaneously.  This single-search option is a nice time saver, and it often uncovers resources that you might otherwise have overlooked. You'll get lots of results, so take advantage of the limiter options on the left side of the results screen.

Getting Help


RefWorks is a new way to collect, manage, and organize research.  You can read, annotate, organize, and cite your research as well as collaborate by sharing collections.

From simple bibliographies to papers formatted with in-text citations or footnotes, RefWorks handles it all. ​To learn more about RefWorks, use our RefWorks research guide.

To create a RefWorks account:

  1. Go to the link below and click Create account
  2. Fill in your information, making sure to use your DelVal email address.  
  3. Go to your inbox and click the email link to complete the activation process. 

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