The Library's website is a great place to start your research because our resources are a higher quality than what you can find free on Google.
The big search box is called Summon. It is a "Google-like" tool that searches many DelVal databases (and the book catalog) at the same time. It is a nice time saver, and it often uncovers resources that you might otherwise have overlooked.
We also have many other databases, which are organized by subject, which might be better for your research.
A qualified author will have a background in the field they are writing about. The authors should not show bias. Opinions are backed by research and evidence.
A current publication date is something within the last 10 years typically. This can be shorter in the sciences.
A bibliography or other references are important because they let us know where the author is getting their information from.
Read through the bibliography or works cited. Are there papers that are cited a lot? Are there other resources that might be useful to you?
Most of our databases include tools to help you find other people engaged in the conversation.
Look for areas of overlap in your reading. Keep these questions in mind:
RefWorks is a new way to collect, manage, and organize research. You can read, annotate, organize, and cite your research as well as collaborate by sharing collections.
From simple bibliographies to papers formatted with in-text citations or footnotes, RefWorks handles it all. To learn more about RefWorks, use our RefWorks research guide.
To create a RefWorks account:
Already have an account? Just go to the link below and click "Log In"
The Writing Center is staffed by DelVal undergraduate peer tutors who help with writing assignments in all your courses. We view writing as a process that involves planning, reading, drafting, revising, and editing—writing with substance involves discovering your meaning through brainstorming, sharing, and getting lots of feedback.
Tutors help you gain a fresh perspective on the writing process, and can assist with any stage of the process: choosing a topic or working through writer's block, generating ideas, creating an outline, sharpening a thesis, arranging and organizing paragraphs, citing correctly and fluently, editing grammar and mechanics, and more.
Instructors receive a copy of the tutor report completed during the session, to illustrate your engagement with the writing process and meeting the demands of writing across disciplines.
Services are on a walk-in basis, so no appointment is necessary. Schedules are posted in the Writing Center, on Inside DelVal, and on professors' Blackboard course pages.
Tutors look forward to working with you!